Ah, thank you Missoni... Listen NY winters can be a bit grim I tell ya. Yes it's sunny but it's COLD. Everyone's heads are back down to the pavement (including mine). Not much spontaneous or candid social interactions. The holidays help a bit but this year I must say I am a bit of a scrooge... Say what you will of me but sometimes it's the little things that will perk you up. These Missoni knits being what did it for me today. (Don't laugh) I love the mixing of patterns and that slightly kitchy funky grandma thing going on... and as thrown together and haphazard as these looks may seem, there is method to this madness. It's the perfect mix of patterns with a commonality in color that pulls it all together. Inspires me to get out my needles (knitting needles that is).... Even if all I can muster up will be a really long scarf. Still it's the effort and intention no? Merry Merry.
Here are some tears for an idea I was thinking to do for a little impromptu photo shoot. Gritty film close ups of just pieces of a women's body. Mostly hands and feet and legs. Black and whites or could also include one a really saturated deep color, like a blood black red or blue. Would be a nice way to close up in on a fabric or one accessory. Creating a mysterious, sexy and almost voyeuristic feeling.
A couple weekends back I was slightly hoodwinked into a spending a weekend with my mother upstate. I say hoodwinked because I was informed (only after the 2+ hour drive and safely out of the car) the weekend would be without any cable or internet.... grrr. So with the extra time on my hands among many other "prairie" like activities... I sat and took pictures in the antique and imperfect mirror over the bathroom sink to see the images it would reflect. Below is my favorite.
Then, this morning I was flipping through some photography inspiration and by happenstance I came across these by Ed Van Der Elsken. I am just obsessed with mirror reflections, especially when the quality and essence of the mirror adds to the story. These are just so moving. Ed Van Der Elsken's book of "Love on the Left Bank" is the one of the most beautiful things I have seen.
Oh and THANK YOU MOM! For reminding me I can survive with out my blackberry!
If I were to describe this store in one word it would be SEXY..... but since I'm a little mouthy I'll give you a couple more! Open less than a year Stella Filante is stocked with items that will make your man (or potential man eyeing you at the end of the bar) swoon! Sparkles and studs galore (holiday dresses anyone?) it's like candy for the eyes. They have the biggest collection of Antik Batik which is enough of a draw in and of itself. The shop is huge, especially for lower east side standards, beautifully decorated and thoughtfully laid out. It has a subtle modern aesthetic and the perfect amber lighting and use of natural wood in the design give it a really warm and welcoming feel. You could spend the whole afternoon here going in and out of the dressing room while you and your girl friends play runway, rifle through the seemingly endless inventory and lounge out on the plush leather couches. I went here on a Friday night with my only plans to go home, sit on the couch, stuff my face with popcorn and watch a cheezy flick. Yet once my eyes were tantalized by all of Stella Filante's saucy options I was having visions of calling up all my ladies, throwing on that sequined gold backless number (see below) and finding out where the nearest party was.... Stella Filante just seems to have that effect! (Alas I still found myself on the couch that evening covered in popcorn kernels but that's an issue for another post maybe..)
Stella Filante
between Stanton and Rivington
Ludlow street
Even the mannequins are kinda hot
Spotlights to make you feel like a Star
and here are the clothes to seal the deal
I am always a fan of a half off sign...
Stella has a whole room!
Full of some pretty yummy items!
Get yourself ready to wanna slap on a bit of lippy and a pair of heals and get yourself down to Stella Filante. Copy/Drag this PDF below, print and bring with you on your next visit, Tell them Taryn sent you and enjoy 15% discount! on anything in the store!! Thank you to all the lovelies at Stella Filante welcome to the neighborhood and see you soon!
This offer cannot be used in conjunction with other markdown sales. For example on black Friday when I hear that everything will be 40% off!!!! What?!!
Native NYker, Former professional NY/LA fashion stylist. If you see "Tell Them Taryn Sent You" in a post, stop by, and tell them I sent you! If you do, there may be a little something in it for you! ~taryn xx