Ah, thank you Missoni... Listen NY winters can be a bit grim I tell ya. Yes it's sunny but it's COLD. Everyone's heads are back down to the pavement (including mine). Not much spontaneous or candid social interactions. The holidays help a bit but this year I must say I am a bit of a scrooge... Say what you will of me but sometimes it's the little things that will perk you up. These Missoni knits being what did it for me today. (Don't laugh) I love the mixing of patterns and that slightly kitchy funky grandma thing going on... and as thrown together and haphazard as these looks may seem, there is method to this madness. It's the perfect mix of patterns with a commonality in color that pulls it all together. Inspires me to get out my needles (knitting needles that is).... Even if all I can muster up will be a really long scarf. Still it's the effort and intention no? Merry Merry.

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